
About Me: I am Dr Kieran Michael Chalk, a passionate and versatile researcher, engineer, and leader with a keen interest in AI and philosophy.

My personal purpose is to create and acquire new knowledge, and to share understanding. This purpose has driven my career journey to date.

I have a strong background in mechanical engineering, advanced materials, and complex system modelling (thermodynamic and macro-quantum relationships), with a PhD in the latter. I have applied my skills and knowledge to various industries and sectors, as a consultant, a corporate executive, holder of significant state government responsibilities, and most recently as an independent researcher and scientist.

I have led and coached teams to deliver innovative and data-driven solutions that balance cost, performance, and risk, while adhering to high standards of quality and sustainability. I have also contributed to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the field of asset management, as a certified assessor, an international expert, and a volunteer for the Institute of Asset Management Climate Emergency Program, which supports industry and governments in achieving ESG objectives and UN SDGs.

I have established and directed multi-disciplinary teams of up to 30 FTEs, and managed budgets of up to $500 million per annum. I have delivered real value through successful execution of complex projects, programs, and strategic initiatives. I care deeply about the teams and organisations I work with and within.

My expansive breadth of capabilities and commercial acumen, combined with a depth of technical understanding, inspires confidence and trust. I take an adaptable and authentic approach to leadership that enables individuals to rapidly grow their own capability, agility, and confidence to better deliver value for themselves and the organisation.

I am always eager to learn new things and explore new challenges, especially in the areas of AI and philosophy, where I seek to understand the nature and implications of intelligence, ethics, creativity, and consciousness. Over the last year I have focused on research into the intersection of AI Superalignment, Asset Management, and evolving The Theory of Graceful Extensibility (TTOGE, toe-gee).


PhD Thesis: Complex Thermodynamic and Physical System Modelling of Quantum-Macro Relationships

  • This was my doctoral research project, where I developed mathematical models and computational simulations to understand the behaviour and interactions of quantum systems in solid solutions and the impacts of macroscopic actions at quantum scales.
  • This project involved applying advanced techniques in thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and numerical methods as well as extensive testing of physical properties and my skills and expertise in complex system modelling, research, and innovation.

Asset Management Advisory Services

  • I have led multiple business units which I have helped grow and develop, as both National Lead Strategic Asset Management at Lucid Consulting and Senior Consultant with Frazer-Nash.
  • I provided technical leadership and capability development for asset management projects across various sectors and countries. I have also held, and helped teams achieve, IAM Endorsed Assessor status for the company.
  • My skills and expertise cover the 39 subject areas of the asset management landscape, which includes demonstrated and peer reviewed accomplishments in domains covering Strategy and Planning, Asset Management Decision-Making, Lifecycle Delivery, Asset Information, Organisation & People, Risk & Review.
  • Asset management covers both intangible and tangible assets, and asset management systems are covered by the ISO 55000 series of standards. The fundamentals of the asset management discipline are Value, Alignment, Leadership, and Assurance.

Value Aligned Blog

  • This is my blog, where I write about various topics related to artificial intelligence, science, and philosophy.
  • I explore questions such as: What is intelligence? How can we create ethical and beneficial AI? What are the implications of AI for human creativity and consciousness?
  • I also share my insights and opinions on the latest developments and trends in AI Superalignment and philosophy.

Climate Emergency Program

  • This is a program that I volunteer for as a member of the Institute of Asset Management’s (IAM) steering committee.
  • The program provides thought leadership and support to industry and governments internationally in establishing organisational ESG objectives and delivering upon the UN Sustainable Development Goals, while improving infrastructure resilience to the impacts of climate, economic, and societal uncertainty through best practice governance and risk management.

Asset Management System Design and Implementation

  • I have worked on numerous projects as a consultant and a corporate executive, where I led or undertook the design and implementation of various asset management systems for different clients and sectors.
  • The systems used machine learning techniques such as regression, classification, probabilistic / predictive methods to analyse asset data, predict asset behaviour, and recommend optimal actions through strategic alignment through multi-criteria analysis (MCA) amongst many other techniques.
  • I also ensured that the systems incorporated user-friendly and customer-centric interfaces that allowed users to interact with the systems and visualize the results.
  • The systems also had robust database design and data management features, as well as data capture application integration.
  • The systems ranged from bespoke creations for clients during my consultancy roles, to systems serving up to 47 government departments with several thousand users and an asset base greater than 6 million individual assets.


  • PhD – Materials, Manufacturing and Metallurgy, Nottingham University (UK), Doctorate Awarded July 2013.
  • MSc – Advanced Materials, Nottingham University (UK), Graduated December 2008.
  • BEng (Hons) – Mechanical Engineering, Nottingham University (UK), Graduated July 2007.


  • Technical Skills: 
    • I have extensive knowledge and experience in various technical domains, such as mechanical engineering, advanced materials, complex system modelling, machine learning, asset management, data management, and artificial intelligence.
    • My technical skills have been developed both through academia (in support of my MSc and PhD) and through experienced-based learning in numerous professional consultancy projects.
    • I am proficient in, and continuously learning and upskilling in, various software tools, programming languages, and platforms such as MATLAB, ThermoCalc, ProLog, C++, Python, R, TensorFlow, PyTorch, SQL, Power BI, and Azure.
    • I have also completed several online courses and certifications in the latest developments in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning to ensure my knowledge is current (although I have been applying such techniques to various domains for 20+ years).
    • My skills also extend to change management, design thinking, human centred design, organisational design, Ux and Cx design, and innovation management – which I have found to be indispensable complementary skills in both my academic and professional roles.
  • Soft Skills: 
    • I have excellent communication, collaboration, and leadership skills, which I have demonstrated in various roles and projects.
    • I can effectively communicate complex technical concepts and solutions to diverse audiences, both verbally and in writing.
    • I can work well with others in a team, as well as independently. I can lead and coach teams to achieve high performance and deliver value.
    • I can also manage multiple tasks and priorities, and adapt to changing situations and challenges.
  • Languages and Cultural Awareness:
    • I am a native English speaker, with Irish heritage and a working understanding of Gaelic.
    • I have worked in approximately 70 countries worldwide (while been resident in the UK, and for eight years in Australia) spanning most major cultures.
    • I have led diverse teams, the most recent been made up of 60% women and representing ten diverse nationalities.
    • I have developed a high level of cultural sensitivity and respect, and I can communicate effectively and appropriately with people from different backgrounds and perspectives. I am also interested in experiencing and learning new languages and cultures.

Work Experience:

Founder & Principal Consultant, Value Aligned (VA) Services (Oct 2022 – Present) 

  • Established myself as an independent consultant and researcher delivering advisory services in asset management, data management, and artificial intelligence across various sectors and countries. 
  • Secured and managed multiple projects, providing value-adding solutions, decision-support, business case development, complex project assurance, data analysis, regulatory compliance, change management, and strategic alignment. 
  • Demonstrated thought leadership and innovation in asset management, sustainability, and artificial intelligence, contributing to the advancement of the profession and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

Head of Assets (Strategic Asset Manager), Ventia SA Across Government Facilities Management Arrangement (Sep 2021 – Jul 2022) 

  • Led the asset management division as part of the senior leadership team, overseeing the management and maintenance of assets across 47 South Australian Government Agencies with a portfolio value of over $20 billion. 
  • Recruited and coached a 30-strong team across eight functional areas, implementing processes and frameworks for successful service delivery and long-term improvement. 
  • Led functional areas including Maintenance Planning, Asset Investment Forecasting and Business Case Development, Project Tendering and Delivery, Technical Standards and Compliance, Asset Management Framework and Processes, Sustainability, Data Management, and Strategic Asset Management.
  • Developed and delivered annual and long-term infrastructure management plans and CAPEX/OPEX investment budgets, providing expert infrastructure advice and data-driven decision-making to executive stakeholders leveraging machine learning and AI. 
  • Ensured alignment of services and processes to the corporate and Government strategic objectives and policy, improving infrastructure resilience, sustainability, and value. 

National Lead Strategic Asset Management, Lucid Consulting (Mar 2020 – Sep 2021)

  • Played a critical role in the growth and development of the Asset Management Advisory Services business unit, providing technical leadership and capability development. 
  • Sought, secured, and delivered asset management projects nationally as a project manager and/or technical lead, covering strategic asset management, asset information, asset investment, asset risk, and asset performance. 
  • Provided quality assurance review of proposals and identified efficiencies in the delivery of asset management services, ensuring high standards of customer satisfaction and repeat business. 

Principal Energy Consultant, AECOM (Jul 2019 – Jan 2020) 

  • Provided technical expertise and innovative solutions to clients in the energy sector, covering renewable energy, thermal power generation, and grid connection. 
  • Managed a portfolio of projects, ranging from short-term engagements to large and complex projects involving multiple disciplines, international delivery teams, subcontractors, and multiple stakeholder organizations. 
  • Led business development for the energy sector in South Australia and Victoria, developing client relationships, increasing brand awareness, and delivering thought-leadership. 

Senior Consultant, Frazer-Nash Consultancy (Jul 2013 – Jul 2019) 

  • Led and managed projects for clients across various sectors in the UK and Australia, drawing from a range of technical disciplines such as asset management, systems engineering, modelling and simulation (including machine learning), mechanical engineering, materials science, and metallurgy. 
  • Managed the business development of the Power sector in the UK and then in Australia, growing the sector significantly within two years in the Australian business. 
  • Part of a team that developed Frazer-Nash’s Asset Management service offering, which resulted in IAM Endorsed Assessor status for the company. 

Senior Project Engineer, European Technology Development (Jul 2011 – Jul 2013) 

  • Developed and delivered technical consultancy services to industries employing high-temperature processes such as thermal power generation and petrochemical processing. 
  • Sourced and managed international projects, conducting in-service and ex-service material condition assessments, root cause failure analysis, fitness-for-service assessments, quality and remaining life assessments, and asset management strategies. 
  • Organized and delivered training courses in Remaining Life Assessment, Asset Management, and Risk-Based Equipment Life Management in various countries.